
kim has the experience and training to keep you moving forward.


Experience, Certifications, Training

2,000+ hours and 20+ years of experience leading support/recovery groups

Certificates of Completion from American Association of Christian Counselors for “Treating Compulsive Sexual Behavioral Disorder and Infidelity”; “Treating Sexual Addictions”; and “Sexual Abuse 2.0”

Certified Christian Life Coach

Global Priority Solutions RoundTable Facilitator

Certificate of Completion Deeper Walk International

Trained Practitioner in Listening Prayer (Prayer for Emotional Healing)

Author, Speaker, Consultant

Developer of The Reclaim Your Life System: Your Values, Your Goals, Your Future

Co-authored manual for women struggling with destructive relational and sexual behaviors (with Darrell Brazell, Pastor of New Hope Fellowship in Lawrence, KS).

Content provider and collaborator for the Center for Christian Coaching training material

Alpha/Beta reviewer for books by Marcus Warner and Stefanie Hinman 

Frequent speaker at Ministries of Pastoral Care Conference and various local healing conferences

Restoration Pathway Values

Empowering Women to Enjoy Uncompromising Freedom

Protecting the Hearts of the Emotionally Wounded

Respecting Each Woman’s Uniqueness

Knowing God in His fullness and beauty

Anchoring Our Identity in Our Relationship with God

Striving Always to Balance Grace and Truth

Utilizing Effective Tools and Concepts from Secular Sources


Restoration Pathway Promises

To provide knowledgeable and experienced leadership

To be vessels of God’s grace and accept you where you are at in life

To express our belief in you and your future by gently challenging your choices so you can experience the life you really want to live

To allow you to own your journey

To help you discover a life-changing, intimate, and dynamic relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit

Take your first step today.